The Rise of a New Generation

October 23 to 31, 2021

The QWRW presents :


More Ideas

For Less


Discover tips and tricks to help you reduce your waste
and consume differently in all your spheres of activity.



From October 23 to 31, during the Quebec Waste Reduction Week, discover 9 personalities of the Eco sapiens. Designed to stimulate your thinking and provide courses of action to help you move toward a zero-waste lifestyle, these thematic articles complement the various tools offered by the QWRW, such as the Code Z, the Project Z mobile app and the Zero Waste Tips.

Click here to access a theme


After the 2020 public health crisis turned our lives upside down, 2021 is still a year of adaptation for many of us. In this spirit of change, the QWRW suggests a new vision of Oneself and a new course of action. As tenants of this planet, we need to be more responsible and more aware of the impact our actions and behaviour have on the environment. We are part of the ecosystem, we have a duty to protect it. In 2021, make way for the “ECO SAPIENS.”

The definition of Eco sapiens we propose is that of an emerging new species that thinks and manages the ecosystem in a wise, smart, reasonable and moderate way. A future that favours ethical, eco-friendly, fair and sustainable products and practices and puts its knowledge and intelligence at the service of nature and the common good. This change in how we perceive our intrinsic nature and the role we have to play within the ecosystem should help us better define our actions and generate better lifestyle and consumption choices.

I think, therefore I reduce!



Begin the great ECO SAPIENS ADVENTURE by actively participating in the 2021 QWRW! Here are some ideas:

Discover all our tools and learn more about the different ways you can reduce your ecological footprint in everyday life. Read our Zero Waste Tips

Become an official QWRW promoter by sharing our messages and tools. You can also follow us on social media and subscribe to our newsletter to stay up to date.

Organize an activity or develop an initiative to reduce or consume sustainably and promote it on our website. Add your project to the QWRW calendar today.

Are you an influencer, artist, politician, civic leader or business person? You can help us. Join the ranks of people who have used their fame and platform to bring more attention to the QWRW. Contact us to learn more about our 2021 motivational campaign.

Volunteer and help the QWRW’s coordination team. We’re looking for photographers, videographers, data management specialists, and motivated and creative people who believe in the zero waste movement. Contact us!

Contribute to the cause by becoming an official partner of the QWRW. Contact us to receive the 2021 sponsorship plan. You can also help finance the QWRW by making a donation.

Follow us on social media

To learn more about our programs and to discover reduction initiatives across Quebec.


Zero Waste Québec organizes the 2021 Quebec Waste Reduction Week
with the help of its partners and sponsors and would like to thank them for supporting such a good cause!